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ICELAND - Alcohol policy strategy

There is available a comprehensive policy on alcohol- and drug prevention until 2020 adopted by the government in 2014. The first alcohol action plan based on this policy was supposed to be introduced in 2014. It has not yet been launched.


Main topics of the policy are:
To limit access to 
alchol and other drugs
Protect vulnerable groups against negative influences caused by alcohol and other drugs
Prevent young people from starting to use alcohol and other drugs
number of those who develop harmful use of alcohol and other drugs
To ensure integrated service based on best knowledge and quality for people with alcohol and drug problems
To reduce 
number of deaths caused by alcohol and drugs.


The policy also emphasizes the necessity of public health perspectives when decisions are made concerning alcohol and drugs and the importance of activating the whole society in awareness and solidarity for actions taken regarding alcohol and drugs.



In addition to this there are clear cornerstones in alcohol policy in Iceland confirmed by laws and regulations like:

Monopoly for off-premise sales for strong beer, wine and spirits;

20 years minimum legal age limits for on- and off-premise sales for beer / wine / spirits,

High alcohol tax;

Maximum 0,05 promille legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) when driving a vehicle;

Ban on alcohol advertising.


Recent policy papers concerning or including alcohol related issues show no indications of changing these cornerstones, except a MP bill submitted to the parliament in September 2014 which has not been passed yet.

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