Nordic ALCOHOL and DRUG policy network
From the grass-root level, working for better networking and informed policies.
NordAN was established in September 2000 as a network of non-governmental, voluntary organisations that all worked to reduce the consumption of alcohol and other drugs and who supported evidence-based alcohol and drug policy and who did not receive contributions from the commercial alcohol industry.
Acting on these principles NordAN today has grown to have over 60 non-governmental, voluntary member organisations in all the eight Nordic and Baltic countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden), all active in the alcohol and drug field.
Mariann Skar

Stig Erik Sørheim
ACTIS, Norway

Juha Mikkonen
EHYT ry, Finland

Nijole Gostautaite Midttun
NTAKK, Lithuania
About Us

Morten Skov Mogensen

Peter Moilanen
SLAN, Sweden
Aðalsteinn Gunnarsson
IOGT Iceland, Iceland

Viljam Borissenko

Edva Jacobsen
Faroe Islands

Almers Ludviks

Edva Jacobsen
Faroe Islands

Almers Ludviks

Lauri Beekmann serves as the executive director of NordAN. He has previously held positions as a board member and vice-president of the European Alcohol Policy Alliance, Eurocare. Lauri operates from his native Estonia, where he also heads the Estonian Temperance Union — the country's oldest organization addressing alcohol issues, established in 1922. He has been involved in alcohol policy since 2003.
Executive director
Statutes adopted by the General Assembly on October 15, 2016
1.1.1 The Nordic Alcohol- and Drug Policy Network (NordAN), situated in Türi, Estonia, gathers NGO´s who work to promote evidence based alcohol and drug policies in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
1.1.2 As a network NordAN advocates the prevention and reducing of alcohol- and drug related harm through effective evidence based alcohol- and drug policy in the Nordic and Baltic region.
NordAN strives to be a facilitator and a resource for its members and affiliates, providing service for members, the inter government organisations and the media concerning Health and Social issues in general and Drug and Alcohol Policy in particular, by producing different materials and organizing conferences and seminars.
2.1 Membership
2.1.1 NordAN membership can be granted to Nordic and Baltic organisations, who work to prevent and reduce the use of alcohol and/or drugs and the negative effects of such use.
2.1.2 Membership cannot be granted to organizations which accept financial support from the commercial alcohol industry or from other private actors who profit from alcohol sales.
2.1.3 Applications for membership are decided on by the board. The decisions by the board are to be confirmed by the next meeting of the assembly.
2.2 Assembly of representatives
2.2.1 The assembly of representatives (Assembly) is the highest decision-making body of the network.
2.2.2 The Assembly should annually address the budget for the following year, address any suggested changes for the statutes and accept or decline the accounts and the annual report for the previous year and action plan for the following year.
2.2.3 Board members are nominated by the national member organisations coming from that country and appointed by the Assembly for a period of two years.
2.2.4 President is nominated by the board and elected for two years by the Assembly.
2.2.5 The Assembly meets annually. The invitations should be sent three months before the annual meeting.
2.2.6 The Assembly is composed of one person from each of the member organizations.
2.2.7 In voting each member organization has one vote.
2.2.8 Matters to be decided by the Assembly shall be submitted to the board at least two months before the meeting. They shall be sent to the members of the Assembly at least one month before the meeting.
2.2.9 The working language of the network is English.
2.3 The board
2.3.1 The board consists of the President of NordAN and one representative from each member country (Denmark, Estonia, the Faroe Island, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden)
2.3.2 The board is appointed by the NordAN Assembly of representatives for two years.
2.3.3 The board is responsible for the daily management of the network.
2.3.4 The board appoints the Executive Director and decides on the terms of employment.
2.4 Secretariat
2.4.1 The Executive Director is subordinate to the Board.
2.4.2 The secretariat is located by the decision of the board.
2.4.3 The Executive Director shall coordinate the daily work of the network.
3.1 Management costs
3.1.1 The work of the secretariat is financed through membership fees, the interest from the basic capital, extra contributions, gifts and income from services and projects. The members of NordAN pay an annual due. The due is decided by the annual meeting of the Assembly. Besides the compulsory due, the members are encouraged to give voluntary contributions.
3.1.2 The basic capital comprises of starting funds from IIAP (International Institute for Alcohol Policy) and some member organisations. If an organization wishes to leave the network, the loan can be repaid at one years notice in writing.
3.1.3 If the network is dissolved the accumulated loan capital will be returned to the lenders in shares equal to the original contribution percentage.
3.1.4 The IIAP share of the accumulated basic capital shall be used for research projects in accordance with the statutes of IIAP.
3.1.5 If the capital in paragraph 3.1.2 cannot be returned to any of the member organizations, the funds will be distributed to activities in the respective countries coherent with the objectives of NordAN.
3.2 Distribution of costs
3.2.1 The costs for the President and the Executive Director are covered by NordAN.
3.2.2 The costs for the national board members are covered by the member organizations from each country.
3.2.3 The costs for taking part in the Assembly are covered by each member organization. If needed, the board can decide on subsidies for board members and assembly representatives.
3.3 Auditing
3.3.1 The audit report is submitted to the Assembly with each amount referred to euros.
4.1.1 The statutes can be changed by the Assembly by 2/3 majority of the number of votes at the Assembly.
4.1.2 Proposals on changes shall be submitted to the Board at the latest 2 months prior to the Assembly, enabling the Board to make proper considerations and to send it to the members one month prior to the meeting of the Assembly.
5.1.1 To dissolve the network a ¾ majority of the number of votes are needed at the Assembly.
NordAN Resolutions
At each annual conference, the NordAN General Assembly adopts a resolution on a specific topic during their General Assembly meeting. Below are the past resolutions.
2024. Oslo, Norway - Countering vested interests in global alcohol policy: Ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making
Protect the Nordic alcohol control policy: sustainable approach to public health
2023. Tallinn, Estonia - Upholding the alcohol retail monopoly system in nordic alcohol policy
2022. Copenhagen, Denmark - Alcohol and family life
2021. Vilnius, Lithuania – Effective alcohol policies are hampered by industry interference
2020. Zoom – Alcohol – a risk factor for cancer
2019. Helsinki, Finland – Pushing back against the normalization of cannabis
2017. Tallinn, Estonia – Alcohol is a cross-border issue
2016. Oslo, Norway – Statement on youth drinking
2015. Helsinki, Finland – The monopoly system is an important corner-stone of Iceland´s effective alcohol policy
2013. Tallinn, Estonia – Alcohol policy in public health perspective for 2014-2020
2012. Malmö, Sweden – Airline companies should ban free alcohol
2011. Vilnius, Lithuania – Alcohol – no ordinary commodity
2010. Copenhagen, Denmark – Ban all alcohol advertising
2009. Helsinki, Finland – Alcohol advertising must be regulated!
2008. Tallinn, Estonia – Alcohol is not a private matter
2007. Reykjavík, Iceland – WTO negotiations threaten to increase alcohol problems
2006. Oslo, Norway – Det är dags för en EU-strategi mot alkoholskadorna!
Member organisations

Alcohol and society
Det Blaa Baand
NGO Fontana
Blå Kors Danmark
Metodistkirkens Råd för Folkesundhed

Public Foundation of Hope
Estonian Temperance Union
Estonian National Coalition on Tobacco and Alcohol Control

Nykterhetsförbundet Hälsa och Trafik
The Finnish White Ribbon Union
KRAN, Finland
Kvinnogården – Naistenkartano r.f.
Raittiuden Ystävät (RY)
Sininauhaliittto ry
Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention – EHYT

Brautin Bindindisfélag ökumanna
IOGT Island
Kom og Dans Stiftelsen i Norden
FRÆ Oplysningscenter for rusmiddel-prevention
Samstarfsráð um forvarnir

Partneri Association


Actis – Norwegian Policy Network on Alcohol and Drugs
Blå Kors Norge
DNT – Edru Livsstil
Forbundet Mot Rusgift
IOGT Norge
Rusfri Oppvekst
Ungdom Mot Narkotika UMN

Alkoholpolitiskt Forum
Föreningen Fruktdrycker
IIAP, Internationella Institutet för Alkoholpolitik
JUNIS IOGT-NTO’s Juniorförbund
IOGT-NTO Sverige
KSAN Kvinnoorganisationernas Samarbetsråd i alkohol- och narkotikafrågor
LP-verksamhetens Ideella Riksförening
MHF-Region Skåne
Drogfri uppväxt
Riksförbundet Hem och Skola
Riksförbundet Hälsofrämjandet
Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning, CAN
RIKSKRIS, Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället
Sveriges Blåbandsförbund
Sveriges Landsråd i Alkohol- och Narkotikafrågor
Sällskapen Länkarna
Ungdomens Nykterhetsförbund
Skåne Nykterhetsförbund

Blái Krossur Føroya
IOGT Føroya