18.10.2022 - Introduce a good Samaritan law so that anyone who calls 112 in the event of an overdose is not punished, and make the penalties for minor drug offences smarter. These are two of the proposals in Swedish Drug Policy Centre´s new report "8 points for a better drugs policy".
An inquiry is currently underway to develop proposals for Swedish drug policy. In response, we have produced a report with eight proposals for measures that we believe can keep demand, supply and use down - while ensuring the need for good and accessible care and reducing drug-related mortality.
All too often, ideas and thoughts about Swedish drug policy are painted in black or white. Tougher measures or legal drugs seem to be the choice. The truth is, of course, that there is a way forward between repression and legalisation. In our report, we have therefore put together proposals on prevention, care and treatment, better knowledge and the importance of ensuring that commercial interests do not have an influence - in the hope that we can contribute to a more balanced and factual discussion on future drug policy.

"We propose eight different points for a better drugs policy. Some of the proposals are very concrete, others point more to areas we see needing investigation or development. We do not believe that we have all the answers, or that these eight points are the solution to all of Sweden's drug problems - but we hope that they can be steps along the way, and that they contribute to the constructive discussion that we so badly need."
The eight points:
# Smarter penalties for minor drug offences
# Good Samaritan law for those who call an ambulance for an overdose
# Equal and good access to treatment
# Focus on prevention and early detection
# Reviewing forms of medication-assisted treatment
# Specific action needed on drug-related mortality
# Improving the knowledge base on drugs
# Keeping commercial interests out of influence
Download the report HERE (in Swedish)