“After cutting taxes on snus, sugar and alcohol, Erna Solberg and the government have stirred up a united Public Health Norway. On Friday, she receives a call from heavyweights in the field,” writes Aftenposten.
“The budget settlement is a setback for public health work. We do not need cheaper sweets, snus or alcohol, what we need are brave and responsible politicians who ensure the future health of today’s children, young people and adults.”
This is how a joint letter, which was sent to Prime Minister Erna Solberg on Friday, starts. Behind the appeal are over 100 organisations, associations, professionals, experts, health actors and others.
They are reacting to the fact that the government has entered into a budget settlement with Frp where the taxes on a number of so-called border trade-exposed goods were reduced.
“The knowledge base is being ignored, and the most important tool for influencing our dietary habits in a healthier direction has been removed. The government rejects even the proposal to study a new sugar tax with a public health purpose,” the appeal states.
The signatories of the petition believe it is a “great paradox that public health policy is sacrificed for trade and business policy interests at a time when good public health has proven to be more important than ever.”
Read the joint letter HERE