26.06.2024 - As the new school year begins for hundreds of thousands of young people in Sweden, 7 out of 10 high school students and 4 out of 10 ninth graders consume alcohol. Despite this, parents' concern about their children's alcohol consumption remains low, according to a new survey conducted by Systembolaget.
The steady decline in youth drinking, observed since the early 2000s, has now plateaued. To better understand the attitudes and perspectives of parents with teenagers regarding alcohol, Systembolaget commissioned a survey. When asked about their biggest concerns, only 1 in 10 parents mentioned their teenager drinking alcohol as a primary worry.
"The results are surprising, given the clear risks associated with drinking alcohol at an early age. On a positive note, 8 out of 10 parents have talked to their teenagers about alcohol in the past year, but less than half have done so multiple times," says Karolina Dahlbeck Nobel, head of public health at Systembolaget.
Research shows that early initiation into alcohol can lead to health problems later in life and an increased risk of addiction. At the same time, there is often a link between alcohol consumption and mental health issues, as well as the risk of exposure to threats, violence, and abuse—factors parents are most concerned about according to the survey.
When asked if there are specific occasions when they worry their teenager might drink alcohol, only 2 percent cited the start of the school year.
"The start of the school year is a time when many young people find themselves in new situations where alcohol might be present during their free time. This is why it is an important opportunity to talk to your teenager about their attitude toward alcohol. To support these conversations, there is 'Tonårsparlören,' which is filled with knowledge and practical tips to help parents," says Karolina Dahlbeck Nobel.
Here are some practical tips for starting a conversation with your teenager:
Consider how you start the conversation. Your chances of having a meaningful discussion are higher if you express your feelings and experiences about the situation.
Avoid an interrogation. Foster a dialogue, listen, and show genuine interest.
Make conversations a regular routine. Take advantage of moments when your teenager seems willing to talk—during a car ride or at meal times. These conversations can cover both major and minor topics.
Be clear and set boundaries. Make sure your teenager understands the rules about alcohol; this creates a sense of security.
About Tonårsparlören:
Systembolaget's "Tonårsparlören" aims to support parents and teenagers during adolescence and ultimately reduce the number of young people who start drinking alcohol at an early age. This handbook is sent annually to parents of children turning 14—this year, nearly 126,000 households. "Tonårsparlören" includes facts, arguments, and practical advice on how parents can act and communicate to help their teenagers make informed and wise decisions. This year's edition features a new format and design to increase engagement. It is also available online at tonarsparloren.se, where an English version can be found.
Key findings from the survey:
If you answered no to the question "Have you talked to your teenager about alcohol in the past year?" what was the reason?
I feel no need to talk about alcohol with my teenager (46%)
I don't think it's important right now (46%)
I talked about it with my teenager more than a year ago (8%)
I don't know how to talk about it (3%)
I find it hard to find the right moment (3%)
I haven't had the time to talk about it (2%)
I find it uncomfortable (1%)
I'm worried it might harm our relationship (1%)
Are there occasions when you worry your teenager might drink alcohol?
No, I'm not worried (75%)
End of the school year (15%)
Walpurgis Night (14%)
Regular weekends (8%)
Summer holidays (8%)
Halloween (4%)
Christmas/New Year (4%)
Start of the school year (2%)
Autumn break (2%)
Other occasions (1%)
What concerns you most regarding your teenager? (Parents of teenage girls)
Mental health issues (80%)
Exposure to threats, violence, and abuse (64%)
Falling in with the wrong crowd (43%)
Excessive use of social media (43%)
Lack of friends (40%)
Using other drugs (e.g., hash, marijuana, designer drugs) (33%)
Severe illness (e.g., cancer) (28%)
Smoking (12%)
Drinking alcohol (11%)
Joining a criminal gang (10%)
Using snus (6%)
What concerns you most regarding your teenager? (Parents of teenage boys)
Mental health issues (62%)
Exposure to threats, violence, and abuse (54%)
Falling in with the wrong crowd (40%)
Lack of friends (40%)
Using other drugs (e.g., hash, marijuana, designer drugs) (37%)
Severe illness (e.g., cancer) (30%)
Excessive use of social media (27%)
Joining a criminal gang (16%)
Drinking alcohol (11%)
Smoking (10%)
Using snus (7%)
What are you worried might happen if your teenager drinks alcohol? (Parents of teenage girls)
Being subjected to sexual assault (73%)
Being subjected to violence (55%)
Being involved in an accident or getting injured (51%)
Being photographed or filmed in an embarrassing or degrading situation (45%)
Being robbed or stolen from (37%)
Having sex that they later regret (26%)
Alcohol poisoning (20%)
Losing things or money (9%)
Driving a moped, electric scooter, or other motorized vehicle under the influence (7%)
Committing sexual assault (2%)
Committing acts of violence (1%)
Damaging property or clothing (1%)
What are you worried might happen if your teenager drinks alcohol? (Parents of teenage boys)
Being involved in an accident or getting injured (60%)
Being subjected to violence (53%)
Being robbed or stolen from (48%)
Being photographed or filmed in an embarrassing or degrading situation (24%)
Alcohol poisoning (24%)
Being subjected to sexual assault (15%)
Driving a moped, electric scooter, or other motorized vehicle under the influence (15%)
Losing things or money (14%)
Damaging property or clothing (8%)
Committing acts of violence (8%)
Having sex that they later regret (6%)
Damaging property or clothing (4%)
Committing sexual assault (3%)
About the survey:
The survey was conducted by Novus on behalf of Systembolaget. The target group was over 1,000 parents of 13-17-year-olds. The survey was conducted in early August 2024.