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The CAN Drug Research Award for 2024

Elisabet Jerlhag Holm, Fotograf: Staffan Holm
Elisabet Jerlhag Holm

29.10.2024 - The CAN Drug Research Award for 2024 has been awarded to Professor Elisabet Jerlhag Holm of the University of Gothenburg. The award was presented during a ceremony at the drogFOKUS conference, which took place last week in Karlstad.

“It is a great joy to highlight Elisabet Jerlhag Holm’s groundbreaking research,” says Charlotta Rehnman, Director of CAN.

Jerlhag Holm’s research has challenged perspectives on gut-brain peptides, demonstrating their crucial role in the reward system related to addictive behaviors. Her work has led to the identification of new potential treatment methods for alcohol addiction.

“The Drug Research Committee highlights her work as a clear example of scientific skill and innovation. Jerlhag Holm is a highly deserving recipient of the CAN Drug Research Award 2024,” says Charlotta Rehnman.

The award committee’s citation reads:

Elisabet Jerlhag Holm, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Gothenburg, has reshaped our understanding of addiction disorders, particularly alcohol dependence, through her pioneering research on the gut-brain axis and the reward system.

Her research has identified new potential treatment methods for alcohol addiction. By showing that gut-brain peptides influence not only the body’s energy balance but also play a key role in the brain’s reward system, Elisabet Jerlhag Holm has opened the door to new addiction treatments.

Her preclinical research has recently been supported by clinical studies indicating that medications affecting gut-brain signaling can significantly reduce alcohol intake. This represents a significant breakthrough in the quest for innovative new treatments for alcohol dependence.

Professor Jerlhag Holm received her doctorate in medicine in 2007 from the University of Gothenburg. She then combined a short postdoctoral stay at the Gallo Institute at UCSF, USA, with research at the University of Gothenburg. She established her research group at the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Gothenburg and became an Associate Professor in 2011, achieving full professorship in 2020.

Elisabet Jerlhag Holm leads a team of master’s students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers conducting cutting-edge addiction research. With over 75 scientific publications and an H-index of 41, she is a prominent figure in addiction research. Her work is published regularly in high-impact scientific journals and has garnered attention both nationally and internationally. By combining preclinical and clinical studies, Elisabet Jerlhag Holm’s research holds both theoretical and practical significance, further underscoring the value of her contributions to the field.

Her research has gained considerable national and international recognition over the years, and she is frequently invited to present her work at both national and international conferences. For instance, she was invited as a keynote speaker at the prestigious International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) conference in 2024. Additionally, Elisabet Jerlhag Holm has furthered scientific communication through frequent interviews on podcasts, radio, and in newspapers.

In summary, Elisabet Jerlhag Holm’s innovative and dedicated research has led to significant breakthroughs in the field of addiction. Her work has challenged the view that gut-brain peptides function solely as appetite modulators, instead highlighting their critical role in the reward system for addictive behaviors. Her research exemplifies scientific excellence and innovation, making her a highly deserving recipient of the CAN Drug Research Award 2024.


Read more about the drogFOKUS conference in Karlstad.

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