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Lithuania - Attitudes

Attitude estimation is quite difficult, due to the lack of studies and surveys on this issue in Lithuania. There are general attitude trends that can be gleaned from the number of opinion-articles in mass media, statements from politicians. One of such trends is favouring harsher punishments against drinking and driving among the general public, especially after recent accidents involving drunk drivers. Harsher punishments have also been publicly promoted by politicians and civil servants.

Conflicting data is produced by public surveys, regarding population attitude towards advertising ban, however, more people seem to favour full advertising ban, which was also introduced from the beginning of 2018.

2009 Eurobarometer studies have shown that Lithuanians are similarly aware of the alcohol harm on health, and similarly to populations in other Eastern European countries were more inclined to agree that price increases would change their purchasing behaviour.

A population survey conducted in 2008, determined that over half of the respondents thought that in Lithuania people drink too much and too often and agreed that alcohol should be used only on special occasions. These attitudes are however divergent from drinking behaviour prevalent in the population.


A study on schoolchildren’s attitudes toward addictive behaviours, published in December 2018, concluded that "most significant changes in the attitudes of Lithuanian pupils toward addictive behaviours occur between the ages of 11 and 15 years. However, age-related changes differ for the pupils’ attitudes toward substance abuse and behavioural addictions. Increasing awareness of the potential risk of addictive behaviours does not prevent their increasing prevalence with age. Increased risk of involvement in addictive behaviour correlates with decreased internal motivation to abstain from addictive behaviour and decreased recognition of its potential risks". 

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